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(FGR) How to survive the Oral Defence: Tips and tricks In-Person / Online

While submitting your PhD thesis is a huge accomplishment, it is not the end of the journey. Now, you’ll need to prepare for the oral defence.

Preparing for your Oral Defence demands serious consideration and a dedicated investment of time. This is not merely a formality but an important moment where you engage in a scholarly conversation about your research work. Delve into the intricacies of your research, anticipate questions, and refine your ability to articulate your findings. Approach the preparation for your Oral Defence with the same rigor and commitment that fueled your thesis, recognizing that this final step is integral to the successful completion of your doctoral journey.

How can you best prepare? This session has been designed to help you to get ready for a successful oral defence. The session comprises a brief presentation followed by a panel session with experienced exam chairs and former PhD students sharing their experience and useful tips.

Tuesday 24 September 2024
10:30am - 12:30pm
Time Zone:
Auckland (change)

Registration is required. There are 35 in-person seats available. There are 89 online seats available.

Facilitators: FGR team, chairperson, and former PhD students

Drawing from our wealth of experience in successfully navigating academic events, including the Oral Defence, we are eager to share our knowledge, tips, and tricks to empower you to excel in your own defense. Whether it's mastering the art of articulating complex ideas, effectively handling questions, or creating a compelling narrative around your research, our insights aim to equip you with the confidence and skills needed to shine during this crucial phase of your academic journey. 

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FGR Training

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