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VicTeach: Discover your Strengths In-Person

Location: AM103

Workshop title: Discover Your Character Strengths workshop for VicTeach

Character Strengths are the positive parts of your personality that impact how you think, feel and behave. Scientists have identified 24 character strengths that you have the capacity to express. Understanding your character strengths can significantly enhance your personal life and work.

By taking the VIA Character Strengths Survey, you’ll discover your unique traits and learn how to leverage them for career success. Research shows that knowing your strengths can lead to:

  • Increased job satisfaction: Align your work with what you value most.
  • Enhanced relationships: Build stronger connections with others.
  • Improved stress management: Use your strengths to navigate challenges effectively.
  • Goal achievement: Set and accomplish career objectives with confidence.

During the workshop, you will better understand your character strengths and how this can apply to your teaching and professional context:

  • Improving Classroom Environment: A strengths-based approach helps in building respect and rapport among students. When teachers acknowledge and appreciate the unique strengths of each student, it fosters a more inclusive and supportive classroom atmosphere.
  • Personal and Professional Growth: Knowing and applying your character strengths will help you to face challenges more confidently and work towards your goals with a greater sense of fulfilment.

You must complete the survey before attending the workshop: https://workshopVicTeach25.pro.viasurvey.org/

Please bring along your survey results to the workshop, either a printed copy or on your device.

You may also be interested to watch a YouTube video that talks about the character strengths.

The Science of Character: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3nT2KDAGOc 

If you have any questions, please email the workshop facilitator, Sherrie Lee (Careers Consultant, Careers and Employment) at sherrie.lee@vuw.ac.nz.

Thursday 1 May 2025
3:00pm - 4:30pm
Time Zone:
Auckland (change)
  Student-facing staff  

Registration is required. There are 7 seats available.

Event Organizer

Grace Jacobs Corban

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